Monday, April 13, 2009

NJV sample sale!

hat and neck cozies

njv neck cozy display

alicia piller wearing one of her signature shirts and a (bartered!) purple/grey/black neck cozy.
shilpa wearing her neck cozy the way she wants to wear it!
red i-cozy and its new owner!
stunning zulema!
a barter gone well! : me wearing zulema's shirt, zulema wearing my neck cozy
pat and jessica
jessica fashionista

zawadi and boyuan checking out alicia's shirts & earrings

xox boyuan xox
alicia & zawadi
maya & zulema
boyuan, new friend, zawadi and me!
romano! "rufulo!" diamond blue earrings - njv

louise loves njv!!
fiona, her bff, john and i-cozy!
me and alicia piller! she's awesome!
miss louise
sunglasses city!
me and my spread


maya and her spring time i-cozy
i-cozy with those crazy spring time eyes
maya (co-owner of njv) and me! oh the end of a long fabulous day (first in, last out, oy vey.)

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